Tag Archives: work

How to look like an arsehole

I spend the end of each day staring at the clock, planning my escape from the office to the very last detail. I’m sure I’m not alone in this, however once 4pm starts to approach the rest of the world melts away and my senses lock down telling me I am the only one left in the office.

Today went something like this:

15:45:05 I slowly started to pack my bag and clear my desk
15:57:36 I abruptly ended my final call with a customer (you really need to be careful not to get stuck with a “talker” that late in the day)
15:58:02 My browser was logged off and the email program was shut down
15:59:01 I stared at the clock
15:59:15 It still wasn’t 4 o’clock
15:59:46 I had my finger clicked onto the mouse button waiting for the final precious seconds to elapse
16:00:00 I released my finger and the applications shut down
16:00:59 My computer was logged off, my desk was clear and with my belongings shoved under arm and I dashed out of the security door
16:01:35 I placed my iPod earbuds into my ears setting it to shuffle so as not to waste time selecting an appropriate track, it picked a new !!! song so I was happy
16:02:14 I pressed the lift button
16:03:00 The lift arrived, I jumped on and swiped my access card to get down to the lower levels
16:03:05 I exhaled for what felt like the first time in 8.5 hours, I looked up and saw a guy walking out from the toilets, we made eye contact, the doors started to shut, his eyes widened and he started to run to grab the door, I lunged for the ”keep the doors open” button but nothing happened, he dived and slid his bag in between the doors triggering the safety mechanism
16:03:30 I looked down to notice instead of pushing the “keep doors open” button I had been ramming my finger feverishly into the “shut the fucking doors I want to get out of here” button
16:03:40 I looked up and the guy was staring at my finger, which was still pressing the button
16:03:50 I stood awkwardly next to the guy who thought I tried to shut the lift doors on him
16:03:59 I exited the lift with the knowledge that another person in the office thinks I am an arsehole


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V Raw: Employing the Unemployable, in 2009!


Trying to find work in a creative industry can be demoralising at the best of times. Many of us end up cursing the lives we have chosen. Thankfully others have noticed the extreme difficulty involved in trying to get a break into the music, fashion and design industries and they’ve decided to do something about it. Since 2007 the energy drink company, V, has been running V-Raw. In the time since V-Raw launched, over 80 young Australian’s have been set up with jobs in creative industries. One major change with V-Raw this year is, V, have dropped their partnership with the outdated social networking website, Myspace, as it will all be run via their own snazzy website. The other big change this year is they will be launching a new job a week, rather than posting bulk jobs every few months. Heads Will Roll recommends everyone to explore the new website and sign up for the job updates. A lot of the jobs will end up being based over east, but hey it’s not that far to move, and in the past there have been Perth opportunities. Also on the website are other interesting things like podcasts and interviews with people who make money doing what you’d like to be doing, such as people from Modular.

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