Tag Archives: submission

What’s On? Rellie Bash: return flight to Vietnam give-away!@ Republic, (21/08/09)


Who’s playing? – Ben Taaffe and the {MOVE} DJ’s
Who’s idea was this? Relative, at their last party they gave away a refrigerator full of beer
Where? – Republic
It all starts at… – 8pm
How much? – $10
How do you get in on this? – door sales
Who’s going to be there? – People after a free flight to Vietnam, as well as those who are into and like to support Perth’s creative scene
You’d like it if you were… sober, drunk

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Damn Arms Remix Competition


***information about the winning entry is below***

On the pretty cool news front, Bang Gang 12 inches and Spank Records, have gotten together to create a remix competition for the Damn Arms. The track they are asking you to remix is Destination. Why would I want to do this I hear you asking? Well there’s $6000 worth of reasons to give it your attention. Well it’s not $6000 of cash but a bounty of electronic music equipment worth $6000, some pretty special, some a bit naff, such as one CDJ, what they expect you to do with one CDJ I don’t know. It would be great to see a few Perth producers get in on this competition, it would be great to hear how many of you are out there working away in your bedrooms. One word of warning is downloading the parts to this competition is a pain in the arse, requiring you to create an account for the Spank Records online store and just the task of placing each of the song stems into your checkout is much harder than it really should be. The stems are available to download now with submissions opening on April 6 and closing May 3. Bang Records will be choosing the winners and they will be announced May 15. A full list of the prizes and a link to the competition is waiting for you after the jump.
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